
We welcome you to work in the North Savo wellbeing services county 

We welcome you to work in the North Savo wellbeing services county 

We are very happy that you chose to work for our wellbeing services county. Some 12,800 professionals of different fields work here for safe and high-quality treatment and care of their clients.  

You are an important resource for us as an enabler of quality healthcare, social welfare and rescue services. We make up a strong community that will support you in your work. We also want to give you opportunities to improve your skills day by day to become an even better professional. 

Contact your supervisor to learn exactly where to arrive on your first working day with us. Whenever you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact your new supervisor or the persons in charge of support services. 

Welcome to work with us! 

Read more about the practicalities related to starting on your new job 

Haitari, tervetuloa töihin Pohjois-Savon hyvinvointialueelle, English

Our payroll services are provided by an external company, Monetra Pohjois-Savo Oy. Please send scanned copies of your tax card (“verokortti”) and, if applicable, of the proxy for your labour union membership fee by email to this .  

It is necessary because the tax office only transfers tax cards directly to us if the tax period starts on the 1st of February, provided that the employment relationship already is force at that time.  

Please send scanned copies of your previous certificates of service with other employers by email to this address: . In your email you should specify in which unit and under what job title you have come to work.  

Our unit for service relationships will check the testimonials, and based on the accepted service certificates Monetra will then calculate the total period that entitles you to receive a bonus for work experience. Monetra will send you a decision on the calculation of the work experience bonus.  

If you don’t have access to a scanner at home, you may scan the necessary certificates at your workplace once you have started your service. 

Please also send certified copies of your study and training certificates by email to this address: . You should do it no later than when you arrive to work with us. At the same time, you should also present these certificates to your supervisor, who has the duty to ascertain their correctness and lawfulness through the online registers of social welfare and healthcare professionals (“JulkiTerhikki”). 

If you are a student, you should also show your supervisor a certificate of your right to study. Such a certificate must be presented each semester that you work while having a student status. 

Remuneration is based on the collective agreements made for the health and social sectors (“SOTE”), the wellbeing sectors (“HYVTES”), and medical doctors (“LS”). The job-specific pay levels applied in North Savo are also defined in the administrative instructions of our wellbeing services county, entitled “Pay principles”. You will have access to these instructions once you have started to work for the wellbeing services county. 

You may address any questions about your pay to your future supervisor whose contact information you will find in the job announcement.  

As you start on your job, induction and orientation will be arranged by the receiving work unit. This is to ensure that each new employee, in any professional group, will receive systematic and individualised induction and orientation. 

As you are introduced to the activities of this wellbeing services county and your designated work unit, you will learn the appropriate working and operating practices. 

Medical doctors 

The weekly working time is 38 hours and 15 minutes. We apply a local agreement on flexible working hours. The regular working hours run, as a rule, from Monday to Friday from 7:45 a.m. to 3.24 p.m. During the weekdays, on-call time starts at 3.24 p.m. 

Time tracking is carried out with the Nepton working time management and ESMI access control systems. The on-call duty shifts of doctors are planned with the WEB Titania software. 

Nursing and care personnel 

The period-based weekly working time is 38 hours and 15 minutes. It is planned with the Titania software applying 3-week duty schedules, so that the working time for each 3-week period amounts to 114 hours and 45 minutes. 
For the period-based working time, a communal work shift planning is applied in nearly all our units. We also use a working hours bank for a better coordination of work and personal life. 

The weekly working time for our office staff is 36 hours and 15 minutes. The general weekly working time is 38 hours and 15 minutes. 
We apply flexitime: the flexible hours run between 7–9 in the morning and between 2–6 in the afternoon, depending on the activity in question. 

Time tracking takes place with the Nepton working time management system.  

Some of the employees who follow office working hours or general working hours are subject to fixed working time. Their working time is planned and monitored with the Titania software. A working time bank is also in use. 

Fire fighters and rescue staff 

The working time of fire fighters and rescue staff is based on an exemption: we follow a weekly working time of 42 hours that will be levelled out over an average of 52 weeks. The working time of the rescue staff is monitored with the STORE system.  

Our wellbeing services county uses an identity management system (“Iida”) that will generate access rights on the basis of your job title and the work unit you have been assigned to. 

On your first working day, you will receive a user ID and a password from the person in charge of access rights in your unit. Be prepared to present an official ID (passport, identity card, or driving license) on your first working day. 

Through our ESS system, you can apply for different kinds of leaves of absence, work interruptions, and annual holidays. 

You can also use ESS to report any changes in your address or telephone number or other personal data. 

Occupational healthcare services for our wellbeing services county are provided by an outsourced company, Kallaveden ja Järviseudun Työterveys Oy, 

The prevention of occupational diseases is the primary statutory obligation in occupational healthcare. Visits to medical services will focus on preventive working practices and on maintaining the ability to work. 

Read more about your occupational healthcare services provider (in Finnish)

Our staff benefits from the “ePassi Flex” app that allows you to enjoy various benefits in the fields of culture, physical exercise, wellbeing, and commuting.A maximum of EUR 150 per year will be loaded onto the card to encourage workplace wellness among the staff. 

We also encourage and support the education and training of our staff in different ways.  

The supervisor of your work unit will advise you on matters relating to workwear lockers and work uniforms and on how to apply for a parking place.  

When you arrive in the Kuopio University Hospital area (address: Puijonlaaksontie 2): 

  • You will receive the key to your workwear locker at the Information stand, located in corridor T of the main hospital building. 
  • Your will find your work uniform in the workwear storage, located in the main hospital building, near dressing rooms 62–63. You can access the workwear storage through entrance A of the main entrance hall, at level 00. 
  • To inquire about employee parking rights, write an email to