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Counselling available from Age Centre
Counselling available from Age Centre
Do you need information about activities targeted at the elderly in municipalities and organisations?
- Do you want information on how to prepare yourself for ageing?
- Are you thinking of where to get cleaning services or other services that support living at home?
- Do you need support in coping with everyday life?
- Are you worried about how an elderly person is coping at home?
When you contact Age Centre counselling service, you can discuss your case with a professional and receive guidance and counselling to resolve your situation. We will tell you about various options available in municipalities, the third sector, the private sector and the Wellbeing Services County. We will assess the urgency of your situation and agree on further measures together with you, depending on the situation. If necessary, we will make an appointment for you to assess the need for services.
You can also approach us anonymously.
The counselling is aimed at new clients.
Current clients and partners in home care, housing services and primary care support can contact the same local workers as before.
What you should do
When you contact us about your own situation:
- Contact Age Centre counselling services in the way you choose, either by telephone, email or by visiting our service point.
- Tell a professional in your own words about your situation.
- Agree on further measures with a professional and follow the instructions given.
When you report your concern about an elderly person
- Try to talk about the concern with the person concerned. If the discussion goes well but the situation still causes concern, encourage the person to contact the Age Centre counselling service.
- If it is not possible to bring up concerns or if the joint discussion does not produce the desired result, contact the Age Centre counselling service in the manner you want. If you wish, you can also file a notification anonymously.
The e-mail address of the counselling service is We serve on weekdays from 9.00 to 14.00. On the eve of public holidays until noon. You can find the chat service on our website.
To whom and under what conditions
The Age Centre counselling service is intended for all North Savo residents who need guidance and counselling in matters related to services, coping in everyday life or maintaining their functional capacity and well-being.
Telephone services
A call-back system is in use when you call us. We will respond to any contacts immediately or at the latest on the next working day.
tel. 358 172734100
Open on weekdays Monday to Friday 9.00 to 14.00. On the eve of public holidays until noon.
- Age Centre in Iisalmi: Satamakatu 10-12,74100 IISALMI
- Age Centre in Kuopio: Suokatu 6, 70100 KUOPIO