Bannerikuva, sosiaali- ja kriisipäivystys

Social and crisis emergency services of North Savo
Social and crisis emergency services of North Savo
The social and crisis emergency services operate within the region in service disruption preparedness around the clock. They are responsible for organising psychosocial support and acute crisis work in social emergencies and other extraordinary circumstances.
The duties of the emergency social services include situations that require immediate action by the social authorities. You can seek help by ourself, or a person close to you, a friend or a public authority can do it for you. These services are free of charge.
This is what you should do:
Contact the emergency social services when the situation calls for an urgent and necessary assessment concerning social work or measures in the following cases:
- concerns about the circumstances or safety of a minor child
- domestic violence
- concerns about an elderly person’s ability to cope at home (if the informal carer has become ill, for example)
Contact the emergency crisis services when you encounter a sudden and traumatic crisis situation that involves
- becoming subject to violence
- death of a loved one
- serious illness or injury
- accidents (e.g. fire, traffic)
Whenever we are busy with an urgent assignment, we will not be able to take client calls.
In a situation that requires urgent assistance, always call the general emergency number 112.
Telephone contacts with the Social and crisis emergency services of North Savo
Contact the emergency social services when the situation calls for an urgent and necessary assessment concerning social work or measures. In a sudden and traumatic crisis situation, contact the emergency crisis services.
Whenever we are busy with an urgent assignment, we will not be able to take client calls.
In a situation that requires urgent assistance, always call the general emergency number 112.
Emergency number, no text messages. Tel. +358 44 718 3930
Open 24/7