Bannerikuva, mielenterveys ja päihdepalvelut

Mental health and substance abuse treatment services
Mental health and substance abuse treatment services
If you are over 18 years of age, you can obtain mental health and substance abuse treatment services in the form of guidance, counseling, support and care related to, for example, substance abuse problems and various addictions.
The goal is to pro-actively help to prevent addiction as well as provide support and motivation. We also support coping skills on the part of family members.
We offer substance abuse treatment services in co-operation with, for instance, associations and State authorities.
Do the following
If you or a close relative has a problem with alcohol, drugs, medications or gambling, get in touch with us.
Kuopio Substance Abuse and Addiction Treatment Services
In Kuopio, substance abuse and addiction treatment services are looked after by the Päihdepalvelusäätiö foundation. The purpose of the Päihdepalvelusäätiö foundation is to prevent and reduce drug and other addiction-based problems and related social displacement in the region of Kuopio. If you need help in matters connected with alcohol and other drugs, see the contact information on the Päihdepalvelusäätiö foundation website: Päihdepalvelusäätiö (finnish website)
Contact information
Find the contact information of your health care centre by choosing your municipality of residence by clicking on the link below. The information on the following pages is in Finnish.
- Contact information, Mental health and substance abuce treatment services (Service by phone = Puhelinasiointi, Address = Palvelupaikka)