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Microcirculation research group
Microcirculation research group
Korpisalo Lab
At the Heart Center of the Kuopio University Hospital the research group of Dos. Petra Korpisalo investigates the microvasculature in ischemic muscles. The muscle microvasculature is responsible for the exchange of oxygen and nutrients with the tissue. Proper function of the microvasculature is thus essential not only for normal function but also recovery of skeletal muscles from ischemia.
The research aims to establish which changes in the muscle microvasculature after an arterial occlusion aggravate ischemic muscle damage and which changes associate with post-ischemic muscle recovery. The research focuses on the development of novel treatment strategies that by modulating the microvasculature could support post-ischemic muscle recovery. As part of the research also imaging tools for the detection of muscle microvascular changes in patients are being developed.
The research is funded by grant from e.g. The Research Council of Finland, The Finnish Foundation for Cardiovascular Research and The North Savo Regional Fund of the Finnish Cultural Foundation.
Patients visiting the Kuopio University Hospital may be asked to participate in these studies. Patient studies by the microvascular research team employ e.g. thermal imaging, contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging and analysis of tissue samples to address the research questions.
Primary investigator
Docent Petra Korpisalo-Pirinen
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Haitari, mikroverenkierron tutkimusryhmä
P Korpisalo, C Frimodig, H Heikkinen, K Happonen, S Tarvainen, G Juusola, G Wirth, Microvascular blood flow disturbances predict poor outcome of revascularization in CLTI patients, European Heart Journal, Volume 45, Issue Supplement_1, October 2024, ehae666.2275,
Tarvainen S*, Wirth G*, Juusola G, Hautero O, Kalliokoski K, Sjöros T, Nikulainen V, Taavitsainen J, Hytönen J, Frimodig C, Happonen K, Selander T, Laitinen T, Hakovirta HH, Knuuti J, Laham-Karam N, Hartikainen J, Mäkinen K, Ylä-Herttuala S, Korpisalo P, Critical limb-threatening ischaemia and microvascular transformation: clinical implications, Eur Heart J. 2024 Jan 27;45(4):255-264.
Vågesjö E, Parv K, Ahl D, Seignez C, Herrera Hidalgo C, Giraud A, Leite C, Korsgren O, Wallén H, Juusola G, Hakovirta HH, Rundqvist H, Essand M, Holm L, Johnson RS, Thålin C, Korpisalo P, Christoffersson G, Phillipson M. Perivascular Macrophages Regulate Blood Flow Following Tissue Damage. Circ Res. 2021 May 28;128(11):1694 1707.
Wirth, G.; Juusola, G.; Tarvainen, S.; Laakkonen, J.P.; Korpisalo, P.; Ylä-Herttuala, S. Capillary Dynamics Regulate Post-Ischemic Muscle Damage and Regeneration in Experimental Hindlimb Ischemia. Cells 2023, 12, 2060.
Lisätiedot, mikroverenkierron tutkimusryhmä
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